Saturday, May 28, 2011


-- The GiRL


Ever wonder why this new generation of employees cares nothing for the workplace? What about why we care nothing about others? Or maybe, you have wondered why so many people simply do not know how to do a hard day of work at all?

Dear people of the United States, your fruits have been brought in from the field. You have all become consumers with a capital ‘C.’

Consumers have been trained to think and act instinctively rather than rationally. We look to fulfill need no matter the cost.

Consumers want the biggest and the best all the time. They're ambitious but forget that success is not a given right but rather self made.

We have a generation of kids who cannot handle emotional pitfalls, who do not know how to make it through a tough day of work, and whose attention spans are shorter than an ant. As consumers they are not sure how to make due like depression era adults. They're not sure how to be resourceful.

So business owners I warn you. Invest in those employees that are givers rather than takers. Promote employees that are constantly thinking of new ways to make your business better. They may get annoying, and they may even make it harder for you to realize change is good – but they will be contributing in the long run rather than being a drain on your resources.

These employees will thrive when you support them. Know they still have consumer bones. They will leave you if they do not find the backing they need. Have conversations and get into their heads. If you disagree, try the idea and if you think it fails let them know why.

 Be wary of the paycheck takers. These people see their jobs as another object to consume. These employees only use what pieces of your company they want and throw the others away without knowing how to make what doesn’t work into something that does work. They are a never ending drain.

Throw away your bad management practices because the new workforce has little patience and the good ones will leave if you push them. You will have trained a strong team player for your competition. Ask for input and acknowledge input given. You can find worthwhile employees in this way and weed out the employees who give nothing back. 

The 'C' in consumer can be used to your advantage if you recognize the change in times. If you do not recognize you may find yourself with a deadbeat business and an attitude of "those young hooligans." 

Remember, we created the capital 'C' consumer and now we need to train them in how to build their current strengths and cut out their weaknesses. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen. The "never ending drain" type of employee is one of my biggest pet-peeves in life. I'm not an employer, but I can tell you they make awful coworkers and change the environment of the place you're working. They're there to do the bare minimum necessary to be able to defend, "Hey, I do my job here", watch the clock all shift, and rage if management adds to the job description or questions them.

    They make my job there harder. I'm there to work hard, to serve, to improve, to help my coworkers and management and clients by being the best at my job that I can be. Everybody wins when I do. If someone else isn't doing their job to the fullest, I have to clean up their slack. Because I'm no better than them if I say "it's not my responsibility" and walk away.

    Oh, and these people make awful students and classmates, too. They do the bare minimum all semester but rage right before finals when there grade is close to not passing. Consumption without price is what they think they can live for. Not monetary price, but without price of self.

    Enjoyed this entry. :)
